For Sale
***Notice*** We have changed our For Sale method ***Notice***!

After feeding quite a few rabbits for six to eight months, and ending up butchering them, because there are not enough folks looking for breeding stock, I have decided to alter how we do things here at Bob & Cheryl's Rabbitry.

At six to eight weeks bunnies will be checked for obvious disqualifications. Those falling into that category will immediately go into the "fryer" cage. Those not falling into that category will be gone over at twelve weeks; culling everything but the very best two or three in the litter. At four months, if there is not a purchaser, and we don't need the rabbit(s) in our breeding program, off to the processor.

I realize that this decision could result in some possible Show Winners, and perhaps future Grand Champions, ending up as pet food; however, we like most everyone else have limited space, and even though it doesn't cost a lot to feed a rabbit, it does cost.

If you are interested in purchasing a rabbit from Bob & Cheryl's Rabbitry, you will need to ask to be placed on the waiting list.

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We currently do not have any rabbits for sale.

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Page Last Updated 11/4/2021